Monday, January 5, 2009

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Well friends, we are sorry to say that Michelle has decided to use the power of veto. Our beards are officially gone. Jacob went all the way and cut his hair short, but Kyle decided to keep the hair going. We really did have a great time and would definitely do it all over again. There is just so much to commemorate, lets take the next few moments to look back on all the fun that we had...

Kyle's little beard that couldnt finally did.

Jacob's voice dropped an octave and he started talking like a Wookie.

Michelle moved into the guest bedroom.

Jacob was asked if he is a Middle Easterner from the west part of this country (while riding a bus).

Kyle realized he can grow an absolutely incredible mustache...

Jacob realized he cant...

Kyle fought with Michelle an entire afternoon to let him keep the mustache.

Michelle won.

Sideburns came back.

Fu Man Chu February came a little early this year.

Kyle decided he really will work as a legitimate used car salesman someday.

We all realized how much fun a couple guys can have with just a little bit of facial hair...

We would like to take this time to thank all of you for all the support you gave along the way. Mas, thanks for the amazing 'stache pic you sent us it really brightened our day and made us realized that we should just quit now. Moms, thanks for all the "no comments." All of you blog commentors, without all of your supportive comments and encouraging words we would have never made it as far as we did. Dana, gotta admit your emergency room comment got a pretty good laugh out of us...

Thanks again everyone....


Friday, November 21, 2008

VETO? I think not...

Beard name of the week:
K's: The Little Beard That Couldn't

(Above) Why so smiley? We were laughing because we had just finished grooming for the camera...

Dont forget that we are doing hair too. No, J does not plan on leaving that rat tail...

Just an average pic...

Friday, October 31, 2008

No, that is not dirt on my face...

Here we are two weeks in, and the weather in our city really has started to get cold. Jacob has been pretty thankful for the beard he has started to grow, and Kyle wishes that he didn't just look dirty. Whatever the case, we are beginning to see signs of how this is all going to turn out and we have come to one major conclusion... Mustaches feel really weird, especially when you are riding your bike!


(above) If you are wondering if taking this picture is really awkward, the answer is yes...

Much less awkward, but still, not much to show...

A good mustache shot.
Jacob: "No, I did NOT shave out the middle of my mustache..."
Kyle: "Jacob, make sure you tell our subscribers that that is NOT just salt and pepper on my face..."

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Baby Faced

Welcome to The Beard Spot! We didn't enjoy taking these pictures, and our poor faces (especially Jacob) didn't enjoy the shave either. Whatever the case, its going to be a long time before we have to do it again, and we are pumpee about it! This was the first time either of us had shaved down to NOTHING in months...

So it begins...